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Prevent Survivor-Download


Prevent Item-Download


Prevent Dino-Download


Prevent Survivor-Upload


Prevent Item-Upload


Prevent Dino-Upload


You can import and export

you characters and dinos as

much as your want!

3rd Person 


Show Player On Map

Global Voice


RPG Style Damage

Death Location

Unlimited Respecs

Dino Damage Multiplier

Modifies the multipliers for damage caused by wild dinosaurs 1.0

Player Damage Multiplier

Modifies the multiplier for player inflicted damage. 1.0

Structure Damage Multiplier

Defines the multiplier for damage against structures. 1.0

Auto destroy of old structures

Sets an extra counter on structures after which they will be automatically destroyed. 1.0

Player Resis. Multiplier

Defines the multiplier for resistance of players. 1.0

Dino Resis. Multiplier

Defines the multiplier for resistance of dinosaurs.1.0

Structure Resis. Multiplier

Defines the multiplier for resistance of structures. 1.0

XP Multiplier

Defines the multiplier for experience. 3.0

Taming Speed Multiplier

Defines the multiplier for the taming speed of dinosaurs. 2.5

Harvesting Multiplier

Defines the multiplier for the amount while harvesting. 2.0

Resources health Multiplier

Defines the multiplier for the natural health recover and allows longer harvesting of one and the same resource. 1.0

Draining Multiplier

Defines the multiplier of water drain from a player. 1.0

Starvation Multiplier

Defines the multiplier of starvation of a player. 1.0

Dino-Hunger Multiplier

Defines the multiplier of starvation of a dinosaur. 1.0

Stamina Multiplier

Defines the multiplier of stamina draining of players. 1.0

Dino-Stamina Multiplier

Defines the multiplier of stamina draining of dinosaurs. 1.0

Regeneration Multiplier

Defines the multiplier for the natural health recovering of the player. 1.0

Player Harvesting Damage Multiplier

Higher number increases (by percentage) the damage done to a harvestable item/entity by a Player. The higher number, the faster you collect. 1.0

Dino-Regeneration Multiplier

Defines the multiplier for the natural health recovering of dinosaur. 1.0

Dino Count Multiplier

Defines the multiplier for the amount of dinosaurs. 1.0

Decay Multiplier

Globally multiply the number of days for PvE structures to decay to the point where other tribes can dismantle them. 1.0

Resource Respawn Multiplier

Defines the respawn rate of resource nodes. 1.0

Regrow on structures multiplier

Controls the structures 1.0

Regrow Multiplier

Controls the radius around the player within which resources cannot spawn. Values larger than 1 will increase the distance. Values smaller than 1 will reduce the distance. 1.0

Dino Decay Multiplier

multiplier value for the speed at which a dino is marked as unclaimed (higher = faster)

Platform Saddle Modifier

Changes the amount of objects that can be placed onto a Platform Saddle. 1.0

Lay egg interval multiplier

Higher number increase time between eggs spawning 1.0

Dino turret damage multiplier

Higher number increases the damage done by Turrets towards a Dino 1.0

Dino harvesting damage multiplier

Higher number increases the damage done to a harvestable item/entity by a Dino. The higher number, the faster you collect 1.0

Custom recipe effectiveness multiplier

Higher number increases the effectiveness of a custom recipe 1.0

Custom recipe skill multiplier

Higher number increases the effect of the players crafting speed level that is used as a base for the formula in creating a custom recipe 1.0

Mating Multiplier

Time between two pregnancies (smaller value, more babies). 2.0

Egg Hatch Speed Multiplier

Incubation speed 3.0

Kill XP Multiplier

This multiplier affects the amount of XP for killed enemies 2.0

Harvest XP Multiplier

This multiplier affects the amount of XP for harvesting 2.0

Craft XP Multiplier

This multiplier affects the amount of XP for crafting 2.0

Generic XP Multiplier

This multiplier affects the amount of XP over time 2.0

Special XP Multiplier

This multiplier affects the amount of XP for special events 2.0

Supply Crate Loot Quality Multiplier

Quality of supply crates loot 1.0

Fishing Loot Quality Multiplier

Quality of fishing loot 1.0

Crop Growth Speed Multiplier

Higher number increases (by percentage) speed of crop growth. 1.0

Fuel Consumption Interval Multiplier

How fast the fuel consumption is. 1.313000

Crop Decay Speed Multiplier

Higher number decrease (by percentage) speed of crop decay in plots. 1.0

Hair Growth Speed Multiplier

Higher number increase speed of hair growth. 2.0

Oxygen Swim Speed Stat Multiplier

Use this to set how swim speed is multiplied by level spent in oxygen. The value was reduced by 80% in 256.0. set to 1.0

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